Monday, February 28, 2022

Service Families Accommodation - Utility Bills (UK)

As more small energy suppliers enter administration, it can sometimes be challenging for DIO to engage with the replacement supplier, appointed by Ofgem, when a family moves out of their SFA.

To avoid DIO incurring unnecessary costs, families must ensure they take a meter reading at the Move-In appointment and at the Move-Out appointment. Families must also inform their energy supplier of their final meter reading at Move-Out and supply a forwarding address.

Families are responsible for utility bills from the date of Move In until the date of Move Out, unless the home falls under an MOD fuel supply arrangement. Families can choose to remain with the existing suppliers to their SFA or negotiate their own utility provider for gas and electricity.

Families entering into private agreements with utility providers must ensure that the contracts include a caveat enabling them to terminate the agreement by giving 28 days' notice of ending the agreement and 48 hours' notice of termination.

DIO’s Industry Partner is permitted to provide some personal details to utility providers within GDPR guidance when families fail to settle their utility bills on Move-Out. However, families should remember it is their responsibility to notify their suppliers that they are leaving a property.

We thank you for your continued support with this issue.