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Showing posts with label Noticeboard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Noticeboard. Show all posts

Monday, March 3, 2025

The Families Continuous Attitude Survey 2025 is open!

The Families Continuous Attitude Survey 2025 – which hears from Service spouses and civil partners about their views on Service family life – is now open!  

Take part in this year’s tri-Service Families Continuous Attitude Survey (FamCAS) and help Defence to understand your experiences and thoughts across a broad range of areas. Your feedback will help Defence to make changes and develop policies to better meet your needs. 

The survey invites a random sample of civil partners and spouses of regular serving personnel to take part. To see if you’ve been invited to complete the survey, and to access the survey, please check the online eligibility tool.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

Defence launches the Families Hub – an information portal to help navigate Service family life

The Families Hub – which signposts to information, support and organisations to help navigate all stages of Service family life – has launched.

For the first time, Armed Forces families will be able to access a “one stop shop” digital platform – which signposts to a wealth of information, support and organisations – to help you navigate Service family life.

The Families Hub is for all Armed Forces (Regular and Reserve) families and personnel – from the moment of entering the Forces, through to leaving.

Visit the Families Hub today and explore a range of topics, including partner support, housing, health and wellbeing, childcare and finance.

Friday, January 17, 2025

New Defence survey for those in a Long Term Relationship

If you’re in a Long Term Relationship (LTR) with a Service person, Defence would like to hear your views and experiences about Service family life. 

Defence has launched a pilot survey to better understand the experiences of Long Term Relationship partners, including dual-serving partners, of serving personnel. This survey is anonymous and closes on Monday 3 February 2025.

Please note that this survey is open to the entire LTR population, and is separate to the LTR Overseas pilot scheme survey that is also currently ongoing.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

Tips and advice on handling fireworks from Paderborn Stadt Authorities

So that New Year's Eve ends without any nasty surprises

Tips and advice on handling fireworks

Fireworks must be handled with extreme caution
© Christian Schwier-Germany /

The year will end in a few days. As the end of the past year and the start of the new year, rockets will light up the dark night sky in many places. But what should be taken into account when setting off New Year's Eve fireworks? When can firecrackers, rockets, etc. be bought and set off?

Category 2 fireworks, which include rockets, fountains, or firework batteries, can be bought in retail stores from December 29 to 31. According to the Explosives Act, these are fireworks that have a low noise level, for example, and are intended for use outdoors. 

They can be set off on December 31 and January 1 by people who have reached the age of 18. However, Category 2 fireworks may not be set off near churches, hospitals, children's and old people's homes, or particularly fire-sensitive buildings and facilities such as half-timbered or wooden houses or gas stations.

Category 1 fireworks (so-called children's fireworks) can be bought and used all year round in Germany by minors aged 12 and over.
They are popular at New Year's Eve, but they are not without danger.

“Hands off illegal or homemade fireworks,” advises the Paderborn District Regulatory Office. There is a risk of serious injuries.

Only fireworks that have been type-tested by a notified body such as the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing are safe to handle when used as intended. Tested fireworks are marked with a registration number and the CE mark. (Source: BAM)

Marc Hammerstein, head of the district fire brigade and technical centre in Büren-Ahden, advises from the fire and rescue service perspective that parents should urgently warn their children about the danger of unexploded firecrackers.

 "Unfortunately, there have been repeated accidents here in recent years with very serious injuries," says Hammerstein.

While we understand the need for a boisterous New Year's Eve celebration, district veterinarian Dr. Ralf Lang also asks for consideration for wild and domestic animals. Fireworks should therefore only be set off at the turn of the year and not hours or days before or after.

"Then the animals don't suffer from constant stress," explains Lang. The expert advises pet owners to bring cats into the house early and to keep dogs and cats in a place in the house that is as protected from noise as possible. 

Since horses and cattle can also react with fear, "it goes without saying that no fireworks should be set off near farms and stables and that pet owners should keep an eye on their animals," stresses the district veterinarian.

To ensure that New Year's Eve does not end in hospital or the fire brigade having to be called out, the district fire brigade headquarters has put together a series of important tips and advice on how to handle fireworks.

Fireworks do not belong in children's hands!Only use fireworks that have been approved by the Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (BAM). Tested fireworks are marked with a registration number and the CE mark in conjunction with the identification number of the testing center that monitors the manufacturer's quality assurance. BAM has the Europe-wide identification number 0589.- Carefully read and follow the instructions printed on the packaging!

  • Never modify or open fireworks yourself!
  • Only use firecrackers and rockets outdoors!
  • Maintain a safe distance from people, buildings, trees and motor vehicles!
  • Only fire rockets vertically; find a safe place to stand!
  • Do not fire rockets in strong winds!
  • Throw away lit firecrackers immediately after lighting them or move away!
  • Do not leave unused rockets or firecrackers lying around. They can still ignite even after several minutes!
  • Fireworks can ignite clothing, open pockets or hoods are particularly dangerous!
  • Never throw fireworks at people or objects or aim rockets at people!
  • Rockets can be blown off course by just a short gust of wind. Therefore, close windows, balconies and doors so that nothing from outside lands in your living room and can cause fires. It is best to also tidy up the balcony and not leave anything that is easily flammable!

Have a fire extinguisher or bucket of water ready. In an emergency, call 112.

The Longest Yarn - A Thread Through History

The Longest Yarn is an 80 metre 3D knitted/crocheted work depicting The Longest Day, 6th June 1944, in time for the 80th Anniversary.

The exhibition is coming to the following locations (please check individual websites for timings and further information):

  • Tewkesbury Abbey - Sat 7 Dec-Thu 9 Jan
  • St Macartins, Enniskillen - Mon 13 Jan-Sat 8 Feb
  • Norwich University Memorial Library - Mon 10 Feb-Sat 1 Mar
  • Peterborough Cathedral - Mon 3 Mar-Tue 3 Apr​

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Service times for Advent season 2024

Here are the dates and times for this years services at St Bonniface and Loseke Community Centre

15th December – 10:30  Holy Communion Third Sunday of Advent St Boniface

22nd December – 10:30 Teddy bear Nativity Service Bring a teddy/soft toy dressed to play a part St Boniface

24th December – 16:00 Carol Service Carols for Christmas Community Centre

24th December – 23:30 Holy Communion Midnight Mass St Boniface

25th December – 10:30 Celebration of Christmas The joy of Christmas St Boniface

29th December – 10:30 Holy Communion First Sunday of Christmas St Boniface

4th January – 10:30 Holy Communion Second Sunday of Christmas St Boniface

Thursday, December 5, 2024

Your Armed Forces Offer explained

The Defence Armed Forces Offer recognises the unique demands of Service life, and the vital work our people do to keep us safe at home and strong abroad.

​​Find out more about the range of benefits, opportunities, and support available to you: Discover My Benefits

Those with access to MODnet can also view the full article at: 

Monday, December 2, 2024

Wraparound Childcare (WAC) Overseas Offer - Available from January 2025

Eligible working parents (at least one of whom is a member of the Armed Forces) with children aged between 4-11 years old (4-16 years old if in receipt of certain disability benefits) in school (including home educated children) will be able to claim back the costs of regulated wraparound childcare for a maximum of 20 hours per week, per eligible child, during term time. 

Service Prosecuting Authority welcomes HMCPSI inspection report

“We hope this report will reassure the public, members of the Armed Forces, and the Defence community that the SPA is performing well and making a meaningful contribution to Service Justice” 

Director of Service Prosecutions, Jonathan Rees KC reflects on the publication of an inspection report on the Service Prosecuting Authority (SPA).

To view more about the Service Prosecuting Authority, and additional information on this report, please go to: Service Prosecuting Authority - GOV.UK

Friday, November 15, 2024

Xmas Wreath making 2024


29th Nov & 1st Dec 

Foliage, ring and craft is included for the wreath. Additional decorations must be supplied by yourself.  Cost from 2 -6 Euro.


Defence Fire Service (DFS) Sennelager – Emergency Telephone Number


There is an issue with the DFS Sennelager Emergency Tel number, +49 (0) 5254 982 2444 and is in the process of being rectified. If it Is not working the following process must be followed:


  1. Dial: +49 (0) 5254 982 2367. If this fails call. 
  2. The Fire Station Duty Mobile Tel Number: +49 (0) 1738 873725 .If this fails, call:
  3. German Fire Service (Feuerwehr) on 112 

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

What's On

Here is your handy calendar for what's on in our area and all of Germany.

We keep this page updated so make sure to bookmark the URL and check the details each week.

31st Jul - Dec 2024 - Wildcat feeding sessions - NABU Wildcat centre Harz mountains

The wildcat enclosure in Bad Harzburg offers visitors a unique insight into the life of the shy animals. During feeding times, all wildcats are likely to be seen.

Every Wednesday at 4pm - Games Zone at Paderborn City Library - Young people can take part in gaming events.

14th - 16th Nov Winterzauber Kassel - Two weekends this year to enjoy the Winterzauber. 

Stroll through the park and the Orangierie to enjoy this early Christmas treat which guarantees to bring all the Christmas feels, tickets Euro 12pp. Kassel is a 1hr 10mins drive from Sennelager.

22nd Nov - 23rd Dec - Weihnachctsmarkt Paderborn

30th Nov Winterberg ISBF Europa Cup Skeleton 2024 - Watch some of the fastest and bravest athletes in the world speed down the Veltins Eis Arena track.

8th Dec Wheinachtszauber Schloss Neuhaus

11th Dec - 8th Jan - Paderborn Christmas Circus the ever popular circus is back in 2024 with more shows added this year to cope with the demand. Two performances daily. Book tickets online early to avoid disappointment

26th - 31st Dec - Urbantix - Essen - The massive celebration Of BMX, street dance and performance comes to Essen. tickets for each day are on sale now.

Monday, October 21, 2024

RAND Europe Research: Meeting the Needs of the RAF and RN/RM Family

RAND Europe is currently undertaking research to support the Royal Air Force (RAF) Benevolent Fund and Greenwich Hospital in understanding the current and future size, demographics and support needs of RAF and Royal Navy/Royal Marines (RN/RM) Service People, Veterans and Families.

We are recruiting participants!

As part of our research, we want to better understand the experiences of current and former RAF, RN and RM serving personnel and their families. We are intending to do this through interviews and surveys, focusing on:RAF, RN and RM families' experiences of military life, military-to-civilian transition and post-Service life.
Issues/challenges former and current Service personnel and their families may be experiencing in relation to day-to-day living, health and wellbeing (including mental and emotional), education, housing, finance and employment.

Experiences with accessing support and perspectives on how support to RAF, RN and RM families could be improved.

​Who is eligible to participate?

If you fall into any of the following categories, we would love to hear from you:Serving RAF, RN and RM personnel (Regular or Reserve).

Partners of serving RAF, RN and RM personnel (Regular or Reserve). This includes long-term partnerships (> 12 months), civil partnerships and married partners.
Former serving RAF, RN and RM personnel (i.e. those who have previously served for at least one day in the RAF, RN or RM).

Partners of former serving RAF, RN and RM personnel (Regular or Reserve). This includes long-term partnerships (> 12 months), civil partnerships and married partners.

Bereaved partners of RAF, RN and RM service personnel.
Individuals who are divorced or separated from a currently or formerly serving RAF, RN or RM Serviceperson.​

To participate please follow this link Meeting the Needs of the RAF and RN/RM Family

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Armed Forces Continuous Attitude Survey (AFCAS) is open!

The Armed Forces Continuous Attitude Survey (AFCAS) is open!

The annual Armed Forces Continuous Attitude Survey (AFCAS) gives Service personnel the chance to share your views on working conditions, living conditions, and day-to-day Service and family life. Take part in AFCAS and tell us how to better understand your needs in the areas below:

* Service life

* Accommodation

* Catering and retail

* Deployments

* Allowances and pensions

* Service complaints/Service Complaints Ombudsman

* Armed Forces Covenant

* Factors influencing intentions to stay/leave the Armed Forces

* Defence Estate, e.g., training facilities, opportunities for sport and much more

Who can complete AFCAS, and how?

If you are a Service person who has been invited to take part in this year’s survey, you will receive an email with information on how to complete the survey. Your Service number – which is case sensitive – is the token you need to enter. Please be assured that your responses will be confidential.

Every response counts…

The more people we hear from, the better able we are to improve your Service and family life. Your voice matters. To view previous AFCAS results, visit GOV.UK.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Funded Early Years Childcare Overseas – Briefing Note


Assigned overseas with young children? Find out if you can benefit from an expansion to funded childcare.

The Ministry of Defence have expanded the childcare offer for families assigned overseas with 9 months – 4-year-old children, to reflect the offer available in England. 

Early Years funded childcare overseas and definitions of funded universal childcare, working families and additional working families entitlement:

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

HIVE 40th anniversary local events - Catterick Garrison

To celebrate HIVE’s 40th Anniversary, events are taking place across the UK and overseas to mark four decades of support to the Service community.
This event took place in Catterick in July.

​For information on Army HIVE events in other locations, please follow our Blog and social media, or contact your nearest HIVE to find out more.


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

The Whispering Wind Installation for Those who Have Experienced Pregnancy, Baby or Child Loss

Reservations for windmills for our Whispering Wind event in October (9th-15th Oct 2024 at the Defence Academy of the UK at Shrivenham), are still open, but not for long.

So if you or someone you know has experienced pregnancy, baby or child loss, and would like to honour their child's memory through our event, please send them our way. Reservation forms can be requested via DM or emailing

Windmills are free of charge to families, will be personalised and sent out to families once our Baby Loss Awareness Week event has come to a close.

Thank you to everyone who has sent us messages about their loved ones so far, your strength continues to amaze us and we feel honoured you have chosen to share their memory with us for this event. ​