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Showing posts with label Welfare. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Welfare. Show all posts

Friday, February 28, 2025

Sennelager Face to Face Parent support sessions March 2025

Your SSAFA Health Visitor, will be facilitating a number of face to face parent sessions over the next few weeks/months, as per the attached timetable.

These sessions aim to equip parents with practical tools and knowledge to navigate key developmental stages with confidence, ensuring the best outcomes for their child each session will allow for discussion and Q&A. 

We will also be running some online sessions, open to all GSO families.  

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust: New funding to support bereaved military families

New funding to support bereaved military families

The Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust (the Trust) has announced a new funding opportunity for charities supporting bereaved military families.

The Empowering Bereaved Military Families programme will seek to build a strong, collaborative network to meet the needs of those who have given most.

Understanding the needs of the bereaved military community

In late 2024, the Trust commissioned Alma Economics to explore the needs, experiences and priorities of the bereaved Armed Forces community, as well as to map the scope of support currently available.

Anna Wright, Chief Executive of the Trust, said: “Using the findings from our commissioned research, we have ensured this new programme will facilitate partnerships across the bereavement sector, while creating a centralised list of all bereavement support available. We will seek to expand the support available to family members, including wider family members, and increase mental health provision for both adults and children. Ultimately, we hope this programme will support the development of a long-term bereavement strategy.

In designing the programme, we have been mindful that the lived experiences of the military bereaved shine through, and we will expect to see this in the successful projects too.”

Monday, January 6, 2025

Financial Recognition and other restorative measures for LGBT veterans

 For further information, please see the following links:

  • LGBT veterans: Support and next steps – This GOV.UK page has centralised information and signposting for pre-2000 LGBT veterans and pre-1967 LGBT veterans. It also contains support services for veterans and families.
  • Financial Recognition Scheme: GOV.UK page with information on how to apply, eligibility, scheme rules and FAQs.
  • New GOV.UK page about the Qualification of Administration Discharge and Rank Restoration, including FAQs, guidance about eligibility and applications, and public policy.
  • ​Pre-1967 veterans: GOV.UK page about restorative measures and FAQs.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Guides for Those Bereaved by Suicide in the Armed Forces Community

Suicide Bereavement UK have developed a series of At Your Side guides for those bereaved by suicide in the Armed Forces community.

Three guides have been written by the bereaved for the bereaved:

  • At Your Side guide for Veterans
  • At Your Side guide for families
  • At Your Side guide for Serving Personnel

Both the veteran and family guide were launched on the 17th April 2024.  The Serving Personnel guide will be launched shortly.

To view or download the guides, please use this link

Monday, February 5, 2024

Support for Households - Cost of Living Support

See what support is available to help with the cost of living and save money with our energy saving tips at: 

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Families' Activity Breaks (FAB): FAB Camps Volunteer Applications Now Open


FAB CAMPS are looking for people from all military ranks, backgrounds and experience, Defence civilians and ex-Service personnel to become volunteers.

​Being a Volunteer
Who do we look for?

As a FAB volunteer you will be at the heart of the holidays providing mentoring support, encouragement or just a sympathetic ear. Don't worry we will train and support you throughout the experience. We are looking for people of all military ranks, backgrounds and experience. Defence civilians and ex-Service personnel to become volunteers. You do not need any previous experience to become a volunteer. We are ultimately looking for good listeners, people with enthusiasm for the project, and those with a willingness to be a friend or mentor to our bereaved families. Throughout the camps, you will be supported by a bereavement support office who is trained in bereavement counselling for young children. You will also be surrounded by experienced volunteers who return year after year.

All volunteers, both new and returning must attend training before every camp. This is mandated, and if you are not able to attend the training session, sadly we will not be able to accept your application for this year. This is a great opportunity to meet old and new volunteers and really understand what the camps are all about.

The training dates for 2024 are confirmed as 22 – 24 May 2024 at RAF Northolt,

​There is a get involved tab on the website where volunteers can register their interest: FAB (