Friday, July 15, 2022

Kesselkidz - Bielefeld Children's Culture During the Holidays

Here are free concerts and cabaret for children every Wednesday on the Kesselbrink until the end of the summer holidays: from 6 July at 4 p.m. on the terrace of the "Green Cube". "Kesselkidz" is a low-threshold offer for all children and families in the city.


Beginning with "Markus Rohde & Band" and their program "We are here... Our favorite songs", playful hands-on songs with exciting stories and a cool beat.

"Faryna", which gets children moving, cabaret with "Lieselotte Quetschkommode", "Krawallo" with "Families Rock'n'Roll works!" and the band "Randale", which is well-known beyond Bielefeld.