Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Kuppelfest Schloss Neuhaus 8th-10th Sep

This free festival, celebrates local and national performers. 

There will be three distinct performance areas each one focusing on a different style of act or theme:

From , workshops to DJ's there is a packed line up over the weekend. You can find the listing here.

1, TA DA

Theater performances, performances, readings, talk shows and much more await you in the TA DA area. This year you will find the area indoors in the “Forum of Young Artists”.



From solo artists to larger bands and DJs, a colorful music program for every taste awaits you.

3, Klopf Klopf

Workshops, children's program and more: In the KLOPF KLOPF area you can get creative and learn more about the local cultural scene. This year prominently on the central axis in the park.