Monday, July 3, 2023

Defence Domestic Abuse Survivor Community & Awareness Network

Lucy Bogue - MOD Senior Domestic Abuse Awareness Champion

I am delighted to announce that the Defence Domestic Abuse Survivor Community and Awareness Network launched at the end of Feb 23, with my endorsement as the Defence Domestic Abuse Awareness Champion.

The Survivor Community is for women that are survivors of domestic abuse, providing peer support and signposting support and resources and has a safe, private group where survivors can interact.
The wider network highlights and informs policy around domestic abuse in Defence, to help improve policies and practices and encourages engagement with wider Defence, promoting the need for survivors’ voices to be heard.

DDASCAN will not replace the need for professional support services, provided by Defence and civilian counterparts, but will provide support for women, with the aspiration to expand this in the near future and signpost appropriate support and resources.

The committee has been drawn from the single Services and Defence Civil Service; all are survivors less one – who is the lead for Allyship.

If you would like to find out more about the Network, or would like to join the Survivor Community or support the wider network as an ally;

Use this link 

The Defence Domestic Abuse Survivor Community & Awareness Network has launched.  

Please become a Network member here: DDASCAN Membership Registration 

I am delighted to announce that the Defence Domestic Abuse Survivor Community and Awareness Network launched at the end of Feb 23, with my endorsement as the Defence Domestic Abuse Awareness Champion.

The Survivor Community is for women that are survivors of domestic abuse, providing peer support and signposting support and resources and has a safe, private group where survivors can interact. The wider network highlights and informs policy around domestic abuse in Defence, to help improve policies and practices and encourages engagement with wider Defence, promoting the need for survivors’ voices to be heard.

DDASCAN will not replace the need for professional support services, provided by Defence and civilian counterparts, but will provide support for women, with the aspiration to expand this in the near future and signpost appropriate support and resources.

The committee has been drawn from the single Services and Defence Civil Service; all are survivors less one – who is the lead for Allyship.

If you would like to find out more about the Network, or would like to join the Survivor Community or support the wider network as an ally;

please use the link or QR code below:

The Defence Domestic Abuse Survivor Community & Awareness Network has launched.  

Please become a Network member here: DDASCAN Membership Registration