Extension to Closing Date: Modernised Accommodation Offer Review – don't miss the opportunity to have your say!
1800 Tues 9th April.

Modernised Accommodation Offer Review – don't miss the opportunity to have your say!
The MOD is undertaking a review of the Modernised Accommodation Offer (formerly New Accommodation Offer), following the pause in rollout of elements relating to Service Families Accommodation (SFA).
As part of the review, we want to gain a clearer picture of your personal circumstances and your future accommodation choices. We will use this data to improve our understanding of the potential demand for family accommodation, including where, how and with whom Service personnel would like to live. It will help us to create an improved accommodation offer for the Armed Forces.
What do I have to do?
1) Update your JPA
The Chief of Defence People (CDP) has mandated that all Regular and Full Time Reserve Service (Full Commitment) SP update their records on the Joint Personnel Administration (JPA) system.
These updates are mandated for completion by 12th April 2024.
Please see DIN 2024DIN01-028 dated 12 Mar 2024 on MODNET or via Routine Orders.
2) Complete a short survey
You are strongly encouraged to complete the Modernised Accommodation Offer Survey by 5pm on Monday 1st April.
You can complete the survey via this link: https://surveys.mod.uk/index.php/832568?lang=en. Your Service Number is your access code.
If you have re-joined the Service and your Service Number ends in a hyphen and suffix number, please enter the Service number without the hyphen and suffix number.
Your Service number is used to access the survey only. It will not be linked to the information you provide.
Who can take part in this survey?
You can take part if you:
Are a Regular or Full Time Reserve Service (Full Commitment) Reservist Service person, in any Service and of any Rank
Are a spouse/partner of a Regular or Full Time Reserve Service (Full Commitment) Service person in any Service and of any Rank and completing the survey on their behalf
You do not need to live in Defence subsidised accommodation to take part – we want to hear from everyone.
What is the Modernised Accommodation Offer Review?
Following concerns raised by some Service personnel and their families, the Secretary of State for Defence directed that elements of the Modernised Accommodation Offer which relate to the widening of entitlement of SFA to Service personnel in a long-term relationship or with children resident over 80 nights a year; and the move from rank based to needs based allocation should be paused.
The review is being taken forward in collaboration with Front Line Commands. Ministers have been clear they remain committed to widening entitlement for Service Family Accommodation to those in established long term relationships and parents with non-resident children.
What is the purpose of the survey?
As part of the review, we want to gain a clearer picture of your personal circumstances and your future accommodation choices. We will use this data to improve our understanding of the potential demand for family accommodation and it will help us to create an improved accommodation offer for the Armed Forces.
Your participation in this survey provides a key opportunity to shape future Defence Accommodation Policy for the entire Armed Forces.
We want to find out:
What accommodation you currently live in
What your future accommodation choices would be under different accommodation options
How this varies for different groups of Service personnel
Your overall thoughts on the Modernised Accommodation Offer. We ask a question at the end of the survey, so you have an opportunity to provide your views.
Who is doing this survey?
The survey is being conducted by the Defence People Accommodation Analysis Team, part of MOD Head Office.
What will I be asked to do?
You will be asked to complete a short online survey, which should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.
Your participation is entirely voluntary.
Your responses to the survey will be anonymised, meaning you will not be identified in the research findings and your responses will not be shared with your Chain of Command.
Why do you ask for my Service number?
You will be asked to enter an access code to complete the survey. This is your Service Number – which should be entered in uppercase. This is to check you are part of the invited group of Service personnel.
Your Service number is used to access the survey only. It will not be linked to the information you provide.
How can my spouse/partner take part?
We understand the views of partners and spouses are important.
The survey can be completed on behalf of, or with a Service person. If you are completing this survey on behalf of a Service person, please complete based on their personal circumstances.
We have asked for only one response per Service person to ensure we have a more accurate understanding of the demand for family accommodation.
Will you tell other people what I say?
Anything you tell us will be anonymised, meaning you will not be identified in the research findings and your responses will not be shared with your Chain of Command.
Who do I contact if I have any questions?
Please email people-accommodation-research@mod.gov.uk if you face any difficulties completing the survey.
For anything else related to the Modernised Accommodation Offer, please contact the Accommodation Support Cell at People-Accom-ASC@mod.gov.uk
We hope that you will complete the survey – every response matters. Thank you in advance for your help!