Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Free masterclass on Interview Process and Preparation

We all get a little nervous before an interview, especially if it's for a role we really want. But we shouldn't let a fear of the unknown and feeling unprepared prevent us from going for jobs we're excited about.

Our NCF sponsored masterclass on Interview Process and Preparation will be facilitated by Alex Coward on the 6th of April from 10.00-11.00.

She will take you through the typical interview process and help you feel prepared for the kind of questions you might find yourself being asked, so you can walk (or zoom) into that next big interview with confidence.

To sign up for this event, please click here 

While this workshop is free to you, our lovely RFS community, there is still a price per head that is being paid, so if you aren't sure you'll be able to attend please allow others to take advantage of the opportunity. If you find out last minute that you can't make it, let us know so we can offer the space to someone else.​​