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Monday, June 3, 2024

Single Living Accommodation Survey - Closing on 3 Jun

The Single Living Accommodation (SLA) survey launches today and is an opportunity for all personnel to share your views on SLA and help shape the future of Defence accommodation.

Who can take part and how?

We want to hear from all Service personnel whether you currently use SLA or not. For more information please go to this Sway: Sway ( (

What’s the ask?

You will be asked to complete a short survey which will take approximately 10 minutes.

The survey will close at 17:00 Monday 3 June 2024.

We want to know:

• Your views of SLA

• How you use/ have used SLA

• What you want and need from SLA

The survey will be entirely anonymous. We will not be collecting any personal information or sharing your responses with your Chain of Command.

What is the SLA survey?

The SLA survey is conducted every two years to build up evidence and track trends over time around your views and experiences of SLA. The results of this survey will help Defence develop SLA standards and make decisions that shape the future of SLA. It is crucial that as many Service personnel as possible share their views. The more responses we receive, the more confident we can be that the results accurately reflect the Armed Forces population.

This survey is not the same as the Modernised Accommodation Offer (MAO) survey, which gathered information on Service personnel’s personal circumstances and future accommodation choices to improve an understanding of the demand for family accommodation. The SLA survey gathers information on Service personnel’s views and experiences of SLA to help inform future policy.

Make sure you have your say as every response matters