On 5 Mar 2024 the New Accommodation Offer team will run sessions at 10:00 & 14:00 hosted by UK Strategic Command from RAF Wyton, followed by an evening event at 18:00 from the Community Learning Centre, RAF Wittering. For more information on how to attend, either in person or via livestream, please go to this SWAY.
Generic and local information for the UK Military community in Sennelager including Serving Personnel, Families, Veterans, and MOD Civilians.
This is best viewed through a personal device because the MODnet firewall may prevent access to some links.
- TOP: Location Guide for Sennelager; links to HIVE's Social Media, and a map of contact details for our worldwide network of information centres.
- LEFT COLUMN: Use the search engine; sign up to receive our weekly email updates, or find information by subject.
- RIGHT COLUMN: Contact HIVE with your specific query.
- CENTRAL SECTION: All the latest posts in date order:
Wednesday, January 31, 2024
New Accommodation Offer: Tri-Service Roadshow *Change of Date*, RAF Wyton on 5th March
On 5 Mar 2024 the New Accommodation Offer team will run sessions at 10:00 & 14:00 hosted by UK Strategic Command from RAF Wyton, followed by an evening event at 18:00 from the Community Learning Centre, RAF Wittering. For more information on how to attend, either in person or via livestream, please go to this SWAY.
Togetherall: Self-Compassion - Time to Talk Day, 1st February
FREE to all serving & veteran UK Military personnel (16+).
More information and register at: Mental health support for all UK Armed Forces | Togetherall
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
Apply for an HM Armed Forces Veteran Card
It’s free to apply HERE
You can currently only apply for a Veteran Card if you have a UK address. Veterans who do not have a UK address will be able to apply later this year.
NHS England: Help us to ensure veterans receive the very best healthcare support in 2024
To help encourage more practices to sign up, the Royal College of General Practitioners, NHS England and the Office for Veterans’ Affairs are working together to increase awareness of veterans’ healthcare needs and any challenges that prevent people who’ve served in the Armed Forces from seeking help from their GP.
If you have served in the Armed Forces and live in England, we would be grateful if you could spare 10 minutes to fill in this online survey. If you are a veteran support organisation, please could you share the survey with your veteran members who live in England.
By filling in this survey, you are ensuring that your thoughts and experiences are more likely to be understood and acted upon. This will help to encourage more GP practices to sign up so they can help veterans get the best healthcare support.
Armed Forces Covenant Spouse Development Course - applications now open
Please note you do not need to live in Warwickshire to apply for this programme. Please click here to visit the website.
The British Army's Got Talent 2024 Event - Aldershot, 27th April
A British Army-wide event to raise awareness and much needed funds for the 2x selected charities to allow their important work to continue, to support our families and serving soldiers.
Where/When? Aldershot Princes Hall Theatre, Sat 27 Apr 2024: Doors open @1830hrs, show commences @1930hrs. Expect some celebrities and a few surprises along the way.
Who? Acts can come from across both the Regular & Reserve (all welcome) – sign up via the QR code by NLT 01 Mar 24.
Audience? This is a family event, all ages are welcome. PLEASE come and support, sign up and grab your seat early via the Aldershot Theatre QR code on the poster, or this link
Families' Activity Breaks (FAB): FAB Camps Volunteer Applications Now Open
FAB CAMPS are looking for people from all military ranks, backgrounds and experience, Defence civilians and ex-Service personnel to become volunteers.
Being a Volunteer
Who do we look for?
As a FAB volunteer you will be at the heart of the holidays providing mentoring support, encouragement or just a sympathetic ear. Don't worry we will train and support you throughout the experience. We are looking for people of all military ranks, backgrounds and experience. Defence civilians and ex-Service personnel to become volunteers. You do not need any previous experience to become a volunteer. We are ultimately looking for good listeners, people with enthusiasm for the project, and those with a willingness to be a friend or mentor to our bereaved families. Throughout the camps, you will be supported by a bereavement support office who is trained in bereavement counselling for young children. You will also be surrounded by experienced volunteers who return year after year.
All volunteers, both new and returning must attend training before every camp. This is mandated, and if you are not able to attend the training session, sadly we will not be able to accept your application for this year. This is a great opportunity to meet old and new volunteers and really understand what the camps are all about.
The training dates for 2024 are confirmed as 22 – 24 May 2024 at RAF Northolt,
There is a get involved tab on the website where volunteers can register their interest: FAB (fabcamps.org.uk)
Thursday, January 25, 2024
Military Coworking Network - Hub Expansion
More Support for Service Leavers Transitioning to Civilian Life
Personnel leaving the military are to receive more support for finding jobs in civilian life thanks to a new contract between the Ministry of Defence and Reed.
More support for service leavers transitioning to civilian life - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Wednesday, January 24, 2024
DIO: Service Family Accommodation (SFA) Communications Update
XL Bully dogs have been added to the list of dogs banned under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.
From 1 February 2024 it will be a criminal offence for anyone, including SFA residents, to own an XL Bully dog in England and Wales unless your dog has a Certificate of Exemption. Further details on preparing for the ban can be found here.
Families living in SFA who own an XL Bully dog must re-submit a pet request form alongside a copy of their Certificate of Exemption to Pinnacle no later than 31 January 2024.
Afghan Relocation and Resettlement policy (ARAP)
New Accommodation Offer Explained by the 'Savvy Squaddie'
The NHS and Armed Forces Virtual Conference 2024: 12 Mar 24
Tuesday, January 23, 2024
New Accommodation Offer: New Accompanied Established Long Term Relationship Overseas Pilot Now Live
Monday, January 22, 2024
New Accommodation Offer Update: Draft JSP Now Available
The New Accommodation Offer policy will not come into effect until 11 March 2024, the draft of the new JSP 464 'Tri-Service Accommodation Regulations' is being shared with Service personnel now so that they have access to detailed policy information to help inform any future accommodation decisions they may be making.
The JSP will be re-issued as 'live' policy on 11 March 2024 to replace the current version of JSP 464.
Parts 1 to 8 of the draft JSP are available on Gov.uk. Parts 9 to 11 will cover Forces Help to Buy, the Combined Accommodation Assessment System for SFA and Four-Tier Grading for SLA – these are not being released now as the policy remains the same as under the current regulations. Part 12 will cover the complaints processes which will be published when the new policy comes into effect.
Link to Draft JSP: Draft tri-service accommodation regulations (TSARs) (JSP 464) - March 2024 - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
Link to New Accommodation Offer SWAY: New Accommodation Offer Update release 19 Jan 2024 (cloud.microsoft)
Mission Motorsport - The National Transition Event 2024, Silverstone on 4 Mar
Monday 4th March 2024, 08:00 – 17:00 Hours
Held at Silverstone, one of the UK's most iconic race tracks, the National Transition event is an event like no other.
Whether you are just starting out on your resettlement journey, or are a seasoned veteran or military spouse, the National Transition Event is designed to give you a clear, objective understanding of the civilian world of work, leaving you empowered and confident as you seek out your next career.
New Accommodation Offer: Tri-Service Roadshow *Change of Date*, RAF Wyton on 5 Mar
Please note that the New Accommodation Offer Roadshow at RAF Wyton is no longer being held on 7 Feb, and will now take place on 5 Mar.
On 5 Mar 2024 the New Accommodation Offer team will run sessions at 10:00 & 14:00 hosted by UK Strategic Command from RAF Wyton, followed by an evening event at 18:00 from the Community Learning Centre, RAF Wittering. For more information on how to attend, either in person or via livestream, please go to this SWAY.
Celebrating Forces Families Awards 2024: Finalists Include Two HIVE Staff
Army HIVE are very proud to announce that two members of staff are finalists in the 2024 Celebrating Forces Families awards!
Friday, January 19, 2024
German as second Language Courses at the Paderborn Adult Education Center
The Paderborn Adult Education Center organizes German language courses at all levels of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) from level A1 to level C1.
The offer is aimed particularly at people who do not have the opportunity to take part in funded courses due to time constraints or lack of eligibility.
In these German courses for beginners and advanced students, qualified teachers teach German skills both in the evenings (usually from 6 p.m.) and in the morning from 10 a.m.
In addition to the traditional language courses, there is also a small selection of conversation courses and special grammar courses. All courses are held at the VHS Fürstenbergstrasse, Fürstenbergstrasse 40, and in the office, Am Stadelhof 8.
If you wish, you can take a free placement test online in advance on the adult education center website www.vhs-paderborn.de.
Launch of Tri-Service Reserves Continuous Attitude Survey, ResCAS 2024: Take Part Now!
The 2024 Reserves Continuous Attitudes Survey (ResCAS24) is now open for completion until Tuesday April 2nd 2024.
Reservists continue to make an impressive contribution to Defence outputs. Last year, ResCAS results revealed that:
- 75% of Volunteer Reserves were satisfied with life in the Reserves in general
- 92% felt proud to be in the Reserves
- 83% would recommend joining the Reserves to others.
Thursday, January 18, 2024
RBl Pancake Day Sennelager 2024
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
Worlds Largest Boat Show
Dusseldorf see the week long boat start this weekend on the 20th Jan.
More than 1,500 exhibitors from 68 nations on 220,000 square meters in 16 exhibition halls, Boot Düsseldorf is the largest yacht and water sports trade fair in the world.
Both sailors and motor boaters will find the right boat for them here. Whether dinghy, yacht or luxury yacht - the comprehensive range speaks for itself.
The various water sports from diving, surfing, skimboarding, kitesurfing, stand-up paddling and canoeing are the focus at boot with the corresponding equipment available.
Attractive stage programs with interesting interview partners from the industry, the latest trend sports offerings and a top-class mix of workshops and hands-on activities, both for recreational athletes and experts, make the trade fair unique worldwide.
Water focused Events in the Museums This Sunday.
This Sunday enjoy the closing of the Panta Rhei or Water moves events in Paderborn and Schloss Neuhaus.
Sunday afternoon join with the family to make your paper boat which will glop with lights as the Castle moat is filled by boats from 5pm.
The project ends with a creative workshop, hands-on activities, guided tours, a rally and illuminated boats on the Schlossgräfte from 2 p.m.
The BLAU creative workshop will take place in the city museum from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., where children aged 5 and over and curious adults can paint, print and collage together with our education team.
From 3 p.m. Prof. Dr. Michael Ströhmer through the exhibition “Life at the Sources”, and finally at 4 p.m. Markus Runte MA offers a short tour of the exhibition “wood, waves and energy”.
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Centrica - Multiple Customer Service Advisor Roles
Centrica has multiple Customer Service Advisor roles available in Cardiff, Stockport, Edinburgh and Leicester.
Salary - £24,945 plus quarterly bonus of up to 16% of your salary.
The roles operate on a shift pattern to ensure we can engage with our customer 7 days a week.
Training for the role – minimum of 8 weeks
We're looking for people who can work flexibly from home but commute to our offices up to 2/3 times a month after your training.
Soldiering On Awards 2024: Nominations Open Today
The Soldiering On Awards recognise, honour and celebrate outstanding achievements of individuals and groups in the Armed Forces community. Nominations are now open, and close on 2 April 24.
Finalists in each category will be announced in Jun 24, followed by a Celebration Reception at the House of Lords in July and an Awards Night in Oct 24.
For further information and to nominate, please go to Soldiering On Awards 2024 Awards Categories - Soldiering On Awards
Monday, January 15, 2024
Service Family Accommodation (SFA) Communications Update: Cold Weather Alert
A cold weather alert has been issued for parts of the UK next week, with colder temperatures expected and the potential for snow.
DIO and our suppliers have provisions in place to ensure we are prepared to provide the right level of support for families.
There are also steps families can take if they are experiencing issues with their boiler or heating during the colder weather. Please check out Pinnacle's boiler and heating guide for more information.
If families are still having problems with their boiler or heating system, please contact Pinnacle National Call Centre on 0800 031 8628
Your Voice Counts – AFCAS 2024
As we enter 2024, the opportunity to get involved in AFCAS is almost at its end. Don’t miss the chance to voice your thoughts.
Complete the annual survey to help Defence achieve its goal of improving the daily lives for members of the Armed Forces and their families. Every response counts.
Everyone can have their say, whether in the selected sample or not!
- If you have been selected to complete AFCAS, you will have been sent an email containing information on how to access the survey.
- If you aren’t in the sample, you can still make your voice heard by completing the shorter survey.
- Don’t miss your chance to tell Defence what is going well and where we can improve.
- The valuable feedback you provide will go a long way in supporting the lives of our serving personnel and their families.
- Completing the AFCAS Survey allows a safe space for you to share your thoughts and opinions on what you feel most positively about as well as what you feel needs changing.
The Rhur Top Card 2024 -How to Save Money on Days Out
The Rhur Top Card gives you free and 50% off entry to 100 attractions most within 1- 4hrs drive of Sennelager.
AWS 2024 Sennelager Families Survey
The Army Welfare Service (AWS) Community Support team values the views and opinions of every person within Sennelager Garrison.
We would like to ask you the following survey questions, to ascertain what the issues and needs are within our community.
The answers given will form part of the AWS Community Profile. From this, AWS can highlight issues to the Chain of Command, as well as produce a work plan for the next 12 months to deliver a service that best fits the needs of this community.
Friday, January 12, 2024
National Transition Event - Silverstone, 4th Mar
Bringing together MoD, service leavers, veterans & family members with employers to aid successful, sustainable transition & networking opportunities for the Armed Forces community.
Set against the backdrop of the iconic race track, the National Transition Event is a unique event which offers service leavers, veterans and their partners the opportunity to find out about careers away from the military.
New Guidance for School Governors and Trustees on Supporting Service Children
To help schools and trusts to better understand the educational related challenges that Service children may face, and to help them thrive in education, the National Governance Association (NGA) has issued new guidance for school governing boards and trustees. The NGA created this guidance in collaboration with the Ministry of Defence – who provide statutory guidance for schools on the Armed Forces Covenant Duty – and the Service Children’s Progression (SCiP) Alliance.
The guidance:
* Outlines the education-related disadvantages that can arise for Service children and the potential impact of parental deployment, separation and family mobility.
* Explains the role of governing boards in allocating school funding to meet the needs of Service children and has questions for boards to ask and consider. * Explores how the SCiP Alliance’s Thriving Lives Toolkit can be used as a self-assessment tool by schools to monitor and improve their practice and support for Service children.
* References the Armed Forces Covenant Duty, and which education functions of a school are in scope. If you are a Service parent who sits on a school governing board or trust, read and share this new guidance with the board.
Point of contact: Armed Forces Families & Safeguarding - Education Policy Team People-affs-education-mailbox@mod.gov.uk
Thursday, January 11, 2024
NHS Care for the Armed Forces Community, January 2024 Update
The NHS is responsible for providing all hospital and most community services for serving personnel (except for mental health, general practice and rehabilitation services). The NHS also provides nearly all community, general practice and hospital services for the families of serving personnel, reservists and veterans. Included as part of this are the following dedicated services and initiatives to support the Armed Forces community.
Op COURAGE: The Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Service
Op COURAGE: The Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Service
After serving in the Armed Forces, some people find it hard to adjust to civvy street. If you’re struggling with your mental health and wellbeing, Op COURAGE: The Veterans Mental Health and Wellbeing Service is here to help. Available across England, Op COURAGE has helped nearly 30,000 people since 2017.
Op COURAGE is an NHS service developed with people who’ve served in the Armed Forces and experienced mental ill-health. Everyone at Op COURAGE is either from the Armed Forces or has experience of working with the military community. Whether you’re due to leave the Armed Forces, are a reservist or have already left the military, Op COURAGE can help. Find out more at nhs.uk/opcourage
The Armed Forces Covenant Trust: Boosting Veterans’ Housing With Six New Awards
The Armed Forces Covenant Trust (the Trust) has awarded over £255K to six projects across the UK, under the Development Grants and Refurbishment Grants programmes, on behalf of the Office for Veterans’ Affairs Veterans' Capital Housing Fund.
The Veterans’ Capital Housing Fund supports projects that contribute to the wider aim of ending Veterans’ homelessness by providing affordable and viable homes for Veterans.
The six funded projects will help to refurbish homes to not only be warm, but energy efficient as well assisting in the early-stage development of new build projects.
Tuesday, January 9, 2024
Op RESTORE: The Veterans Physical Health and Wellbeing Service is an NHS service that supports individuals who have served in, or are leaving, the UK Armed Forces and have continuing, physical health injuries and related medical problems attributed to their time in the Armed Forces.
Working together with military and civilian medical professionals, along with Armed Forces charities, our teams understand military life and the longer-term care and support that may be required for veterans, Service leavers, reservists, families and carers.
New Accommodation Offer: Tri-Service Roadshow, RAF Wyton on 7 Feb
Easier Registration and Claims Process for Wraparound Childcare (WAC)
From 19 February 2024 the way that personnel register and claim WAC funding is changing. The process will be fully integrated within JPA and will be much simpler to use.
- Personnel that are currently registered will receive an email from the WAC team explaining what this means for them.
- Personnel that haven't yet registered but may be eligible should note that registrations will freeze from 31 January 2024 until the switch over on 19 February 2024.
- Personnel that register between 19 February and 31 March 2024 will be able to backdate their registration to 1 February 2024, subject to eligibility.
Where can you find further information?
- Read the FAQs or visit the Defence Childcare Information Page on defnet or Defence Connect.
- Visit the Discover My Benefits webpage or contact the HIVE, and Army Families Federation information sites.
- Look out for more updates, on defnet and Defence Connect.
- If you have any further questions you can email the WAC team at PEOPLE-AFFS-WAC-FRO-mailbox@mod.gov.uk
Friday, January 5, 2024
Nationwide Vacancies with Centrica/Btitish Gas
Energy is in our DNA. From supplying the gas and coal that powered the industrial revolution, to becoming the market-leading energy services and solutions company we are today, we've been at the centre of the UK energy industry for over 200 years. We recruit for a number of roles all year round, please see below for a list of Hot Jobs!
Customer Service Advisor Edinburgh
Customer Service Advisor Cardiff
Business Customer Service Advisor Birmingham
Business Customer Service Advisor Brighton
Revenue Protection Officer Durham
Customer Resolution Agent Uddingston
Customer Delivery Manager London -
Winter is coming back: Better conditions on the weekend

From Friday onwards the temperatures will drop significantly and the remaining snow cover will become solid. Where there is still enough foundation, the conditions are good again.
Thursday, January 4, 2024
Updates to Early Years Provision (UK)
The government is expanding early years and childcare government funding to working families from April 2024 which will enable working families of two year old children to access up to 15 hours of government funded early years education a week (based on 38 weeks).

Wednesday, January 3, 2024
Minimum Income Requirement - Incremental Approach to New Threshold Amount
You may have seen reference to the announcement from the Home Office that the planned increase to the MIR to £38,700 will happen incrementally, with a figure of £29,000 applicable from Spring 2024. The Home Office have released a Factsheet that explains more. Among other things, this advises that under the new provisions there will no longer be a separate child element.
Defence continues to liaise with the Home Office in order to understand how this will impact Service Personnel (Officers and Soldiers) and their families, and further information will be provided once more details are known.
Going Forward Into Employment (GFiE) - New Roles in Department for Work and Pensions and HMRC
Going Forward Into Employment (GFiE) For more information use this link
There are 2 new roles available within the Department for Work and Pensions and HMRC
GFIE- 290 - HMRC Strategic Exports & Sanctions Enforcement Investigations Officer –
9 Positions available in either Stratford (East London), Croydon or Manchester.
Closing date 31/01/2024.
Where to Go Kids Edition
Togetherall - New Year Goal Setting
New Year: How to accept where you are and grow from here
We’re about to enter a new year, and that may come with hope, happiness, and pressure to achieve goals or feeling like we need to be perfect.
When the new year rolls around, it’s easy for us to feel like we need to accomplish everything we didn’t get the chance to tackle last year. Sometimes we can put so much pressure on ourselves to improve every aspect of our lives, we can feel anxious, depressed, or overwhelmed.
There’s no problem with setting goals for yourself, but it is important to work towards our goals while being kind to ourselves.
Do you have areas of your life you want to work on this year? Try some of the following tips from the goal-setting guide in the Togetherall platform.