Monday, February 28, 2022

Fun Pools Near Sennelager

Leisure pools (Freizeitbad) are common in Germany. Offering water slides and fun pools they make a great family activity. Many also have sauna and spa areas (most sauna areas will be fabric free.)

You could well be familiar with the H2O pool in Herford, Aqua Mondo Centre Parcs or the Bad Lippspringe Therme.
Below is a list of three other Frietzbad options you might not know so well. Make sure to check the Corona rules and booking conditions at each pool before you go.

Cervical Screening Campaign


Paderborn Road Closure Update

From Monday, February 28th, the Bahnhofstrasse in the area between Frankfurter Weg and Pontanusstrasse will be closed for about 12 months. 

The complete closure is necessary in order to be able to connect the new bridge to Bahnhofstrasse and to be able to safely carry out the canal and road construction work between the bridge and Pontanusstrasse.